Why First Timothy?

Why First Timothy?
Why are we working our way through First Timothy in the sermons on Sunday mornings?
First, and most obviously, we are doing so because First Timothy is part of the Bible, specifically part of the New Testament. The books of the Bible were given by God as He moved on the writers to pen the words He wanted written, while making full use of their individual personalities and experiences. When we read the Bible, we read God’s speech written, not merely the religious musings of writers from millennia ago.
Second, First Timothy is part of the Pastoral Epistles, along with Second Timothy and Titus. These three books were written to men who were working to order churches in Asia Minor and on the island of Crete. Paul, the author of the letters, wrote them to ensure that the churches would survive even after the last of the apostles passed away. Though we are nearly two thousand years removed from the writing of these letters, they still speak directly to churches now.
Third, we are examining First Timothy because there are questions about what Paul meant and how we should apply what he had to say. Because Paul wrote as the Holy Spirit directed him to write (a process called “inspiration”) we cannot dismiss what Paul has to say; we have to give serious thought to how we are going to obey the Spirit's directions. This includes some of the more difficult questions of our time. These include:
- What does church leadership look like?
- What is God's pattern for sexual morality?
- Is there a difference between men and women, and what roles has God given them to fulfill in the world?
- Is there a God-given standard for what churches should believe and teach?
- How do we find contentment?
- Does God forgive people who have sinned?
Rather than shying away from these questions, we face them in full confidence that God’s Word still speaks clearly and still applies.
If you are able, join us for our worship services on Sunday mornings. Take time to read First Timothy on your own.
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