First Baptist Church, Wycombe, PA


How Are 1 & 2 Samuel Structured?

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How Are 1 & 2 Samuel Structured? There is a lot that is unknown about the books of 1 & 2 Samuel. They are not signed, so we do not know the author, nor is it clear when exactly they were written. They were probably combined together into one book, and they come after the Book of Judges...

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New Sermon Series: 1 & 2 Samuel

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Join us on Sunday mornings as we study 1st and 2nd Samuel! Listen with us as we hear Christ foreshadowed in the life of David.

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New Evening Bible Study Series: The Holiness of God

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Beginning at 6:00pm on August 25th, we will begin working our way through R.C. Sproul's classic video curriculum, The Holiness of God. Join us as we contemplate the greatness of our God.

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