Women's Bible Study Cancelled - January 16th
Because of inclement weather and the possibility of worsening road conditions, Women's Bible Study for tonight, January 16th, is cancelled.
Because of inclement weather and the possibility of worsening road conditions, Women's Bible Study for tonight, January 16th, is cancelled.
How is First Timothy Structured? First Timothy is a letter, written by Paul in the 60s A.D. to his apostolic representative, Timothy, who was working to set the church in Ephesus in order. First Timothy shares an obvious and basic structure with all other letters in the New Testament. It has an...
Why First Timothy? Why are we working our way through First Timothy in the sermons on Sunday mornings? First, and most obviously, we are doing so because First Timothy is part of the Bible, specifically part of the New Testament. The books of the Bible were given by God as He moved on the...
We start a new series this Sunday morning on the book of First Timothy. Join us as we work our way through Paul's letter and hear what God has to say to His people today.
On the first and third Sundays of the month we celebrate the Lord's Supper (or, Communion) together at the conclusion of the service. After partaking of the bread and the cup, we recite part of a creed or older confession together to confess our faith corporately. We have used the Apostles...