2024 Christmas Gift Collection

In the lead up to the 2024 Christmas season, we are collecting gifts to be given out by Life Abundant Prison Ministries to children of those affected by incarceration.
If you would like to participate, please do the following:
- Choose an ornament from the tree on the table in the Fellowship Hall next to the nursery. (Note: each child has two ornaments on the tree, but you only need to take one of them.)
- Put your name on the sign-up sheet by the child’s name you have chosen.
- Purchase an appropriate gift for the sex and age of the child. (If you need suggestions, these can be found in the folders on the table.)
- Wrap the gift and then attach the ornament to the gift as a tag.
- Return the wrapped gift to the table no later than the evening of Sunday, December 1st.
Thanks to everyone who has already signed up to participate. Please contact the church office if you have any questions.
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