How is Second Timothy Structured?

How is Second Timothy Structured?
The letter we know as Second Timothy was written by the Apostle Paul from prison in Rome in the mid- to late 60s A.D. He wrote it to his apostolic representative in Ephesus, Timothy. It is fitting that Timothy, who was not only a colleague but also a dear friend of Paul, was the recipient of this letter, as it is the final one Paul wrote that appears in the New Testament. Paul makes it clear that he is about to die a martyr's death, and he wants to ensure that his emissary to Ephesus, along with the rest of the church, guards the deposit of apostolic teaching that had been entrusted to them. The theme of the letter is the instruction given to Timothy in 4:5, "Fulfill Your Ministry."
Like most letters of the time, Second Timothy has an Introduction (1:1-2), a Body (1:3-4:8), and a Conclusion that includes final instructions and a blessing (4:9-22). A more detailed outline of Second Timothy's contents can be found below:
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