First Baptist Church, Wycombe, PA


FBC Wycombe Newsletter - September 8, 2024

09.04.24 | by Pastor Brownfield

FBC Wycombe Newsletter - September 8, 2024

    FBC Wycombe Newsletter for Sunday, September 8, 2024

    In this newsletter you will find:

    • Prayer Meeting - Sept 5
    • Family Fun Fest - Sept 7
    • Women's Bible Study Resumes - Sept 10
    • Men’s Breakfast - Sept 21
    • Women’s Retreat - Sept 27-28
    • Live-Stream Information
    • Prayer Needs
    • Giving Information

    September Prayer Meeting

    The next monthly Prayer Meeting will be this Thursday, September 5th, at 6:30pm.

    Family Fun Fest

    This Saturday, September 7th from 12-4pm we are hosting our annual end-of-summer Family Fun Fest. We'll see you there!

    Women’s Bible Study Resumes

    Women's Bible Study for Fall and Winter 2024 will resume Tuesday, September 10th at 2:00pm. The topic of discussion will be the theology of worship, using the book What Happens When We Worship by Jonathan Cruse. (It is not necessary to obtain the book to participate.)

    The schedule will be the same as in previous years. On the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month, the group will meet at 6:30pm. On the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month, the group will meet at 2:00pm.

    Men’s Breakfast

    Join us for our Men’s Breakfast on Saturday, September 21st at 8:00am. Our speaker will be Kevin Fluharty, our supported missionary to The Rock in Kensington.

    Women’s Retreat

    Our 2024 Women’s Retreat will take place on September 27th-28th at Brigantine Beach, NJ. If you would like more information, please see Bonnie B or Andrea D.

    Live-Stream Information

    The text for this Sunday’s sermon will be 1 Samuel 3. The link for Sunday’s live-stream is here.

    Prayer Needs

    • Tom R.
    • Dolores F.
    • Jen T.
    • Bob R.
    • Linda B.
    • Peggy C.
    • Ruth S.
    • Shirlee T.

    Giving Information

    Giving at FBC Wycombe goes toward three funds: 1) General Fund, 2) Missions, and 3) Benevolence. Benevolence is collected in special plates twice a month; the others are collected every week.

    Any undesignated contributions go toward the General Fund. Because Missions has a separate budget, it is necessary for missions giving to be designated. To give to the Missions Fund, please designate the amount on an offering envelope. If giving by check, please designate the amount for Missions in the memo line as well.

    As always, offering plates will be placed at each exit this Sunday. If you would prefer to mail in your offering, you may still do so; simply send your gift to the following:

    First Baptist Church of Wycombe
    P.O. Box 83
    Wycombe, PA 18980
    attn: CBH