First Baptist Church, Wycombe, PA


FBC Wycombe Newsletter - May 19, 2024

05.15.24 | News | by Pastor Brownfield

FBC Wycombe Newsletter - May 19, 2024

    FBC Wycombe Updates for Sunday, May 19, 2024

    In this newsletter you will find:

    • New Hymn - May 19
    • Communion & Benevolence Offering - May 19
    • Missionary Update and Luncheon - May 19
    • New Pictorial Directory - May 19 and 26
    • Last Women’s Bible Study for the Spring - May 21
    • Baptism - May 25
    • Special-Called Meeting - June 2
    • June Prayer Meeting - June 6
    • Live-Stream Information
    • Prayer Needs
    • Giving Information (Expanded)

    New Hymn

    This Sunday, May 19th, we will sing a hymn that is new to us, Isaac Watts’s 1719 hymn “My Shepherd, You Supply My Need.” You can familiarize yourself with it by listening to it on YouTube here.

    Communion & Benevolence Offering

    This Sunday, May 19th, we will celebrate the Lord’s Supper at the end of our service. We will pass the elements out in the customary manner, and we will have individual servings of the elements available in the foyer for those who prefer to partake that way.

    We will also take a collection for our Benevolence Fund. This money goes to those with tangible needs. Marked silver offering plates will be at each exit for this offering.

    Missionary Update and Luncheon

    This Sunday, May 19th, Penni Scott, the chapter director for Bucks and Montgomery County Child Evangelism Fellowship will present an update on their ministry during the Sunday School hour (all adult Sunday School classes will combine). We will also have a luncheon after the service.

    Please come and hear what God is doing through Bucks Mont CEF.

    New Pictorial Directory

    This Sunday, May 19th and following Sunday, May 26th, we will be taking photos for a new pictorial directory.

    Last Women’s Bible Study for Spring

    The last Women’s Bible Study for the Spring will be Tuesday, May 21st at 6:30pm. It will resume in the fall.

    Baptism Service

    Join us on Saturday, May 25th, at 4:00pm for our baptism service at Gracepoint Church in Newtown. Come and celebrate with those who are making their public profession of faith.

    Special-Called Meeting

    The elders have called a meeting for Sunday, June 2nd, following the morning service. The purpose of this meeting is to approve the expenditure for the repainting of the exterior of the church’s main building.

    June Prayer Meeting

    Our next monthly Prayer Meeting will be on Thursday, June 6th, at 6:30pm.

    Live-Stream Information

    The text for Sunday’s sermon will be 2 Timothy 2:14-26. The link for Sunday’s live-stream is here.

    Prayer Needs

    • Tom R.
    • Dolores F.
    • Jen T.
    • Bob R.
    • Linda B.
    • Peggy C.
    • Pastor Gerry
    • Ruth S.
    • Shirlee T.
    • David and Ida M.
    • Bob M.

    Giving Information (Expanded)

    Giving at FBC Wycombe goes toward three funds: 1) General Fund, 2) Missions, and 3) Benevolence. Benevolence is collected in special plates twice a month; the others are collected every week.

    Any undesignated contributions go toward the General Fund. Because Missions has a separate budget, it is necessary for missions giving to be designated. To give to the Missions Fund, please designate the amount on an offering envelope. If giving by check, please designate the amount for Missions in the memo line as well.

    As always, offering plates will be placed at each exit this Sunday. If you would prefer to mail in your offering, you may still do so; simply send your gift to the following:

    First Baptist Church of Wycombe
    P.O. Box 83
    Wycombe, PA 18980
    attn: CBH