FBC Wycombe Newsletter - March 23, 2025

FBC Wycombe Updates for Sunday, March 23, 2025
In this email you will find:
- April Prayer Meeting - April 3
- Work Day - April 5
- Special-Called Meeting - April 6
- Community Easter Egg Hunt - April 12
- Good Friday Service - April 18
- Easter Sunday Breakfast - April 20
- Live-Stream Information
- Prayer Needs
- Giving Information
Prayer Meeting
Our next monthly Prayer Meeting will be Thursday, April 3rd, at 6:30pm. Join us as we seek God’s face together.
Work Day
Mark your calendars - we are going to have a churchwide work day on Saturday, April 5th.
Special-Called Meeting
The elders have called for a meeting after the morning service on Sunday, April 6th.
Wycombe Community Easter Egg Hunt
Our fourth annual Wycombe Community Easter Egg Hunt will be held on Saturday, April 12th, at 10:00am. We’re inviting our community to come for food, crafts, face-painting, photos, and lots of plastic eggs ready for the finding.
Good Friday Service
Join us on Good Friday, April 18th, at 6:30pm as we contemplate the suffering and death of Christ for sinners.
Easter Sunday Breakfast
We will have a breakfast at 9:00am on Easter Sunday, April 20th, in lieu of Sunday School.
Live-Stream Information
The text for this Sunday will be 1 Samuel 30. The link for Sunday’s live-stream is here.
Prayer Needs
- Tom R.
- Bob & Nancy J.
- Ted L.
- Dolores F.
- Bob R.
- Linda B.
- Peggy C.
- Ruth S.
- Shirlee T.
Giving Information
Giving at FBC Wycombe goes toward three funds: 1) General Fund, 2) Missions, and 3) Benevolence. Benevolence is collected in special plates twice a month; the others are collected every week and can be contributed to online here.
Any undesignated contributions go toward the General Fund. Because Missions has a separate budget, it is necessary for missions giving to be designated. To give to the Missions Fund, please designate the amount on an offering envelope (see below). If giving by check, please designate the amount for Missions in the memo line as well.
As always, offering plates will be placed at each exit this Sunday. If you would prefer to mail in your offering, you may still do so; simply send your gift to the following:
First Baptist Church of Wycombe
P.O. Box 83
Wycombe, PA 18980
attn: CBH