What to Expect


What to Expect

Corporate Worship that is Focused on God and Shaped by His Word

The most important thing we do when we gather as a church is to worship God. Our corporate worship gatherings are not designed to entertain or inform. It is a dialogue between God and His people. God calls His people by His Word, the Bible. As God’s people we respond by singing His praise, praying for our needs and those of others, confessing our faith with the words of Scripture and the language of the great creeds of the faith. We then hear His Word preached, through which we are shown our sin and what Christ has done to atone for our sin. God then sends us forth with the Word of blessing.

One of the elements of our worship gatherings that often stands out is the amount of Scripture that we use. We are gathered by the Word, pray the Word, read and confess the Word, hear it preached, and it is by the Word we are dismissed. The way we know the Triune God is through His self-revelation in the Bible, so everything we do is drawn from it in some way.

Community Based on Grace and Mutual Commitment

When God saves people, He not only delivers them from the punishment and power of sin, He also puts them into a new family – the church. The church is made up not only of those who follow Christ across all time and space; it also finds expression in local churches.

The local church is made up of those who have given evidence of having been saved and changed by Christ and who have made a commitment to each other. This commitment is defined in our covenant. We promise to protect, share with, support, and serve each other. Those who are in covenant with each other are “members.”

Teaching that Fosters Thoughtful Discipleship

God’s Word is not only meant to be thought about and heard on Sunday morning; it is meant to be followed every day of the week. All of our teaching, whether it is in children’s or adult Sunday School, Evening Bible Study, Youth Group, Men's Bible Study, or Women’s Bible Study, is directed to helping us understand and apply the Bible to all of life, even areas where it is difficult or inconvenient. This takes a lot of reflection and help from our fellow believers, but we trust that God’s Word will not return void.