New Members


New Members

Church Membership is the means by which God's people affirm the profession of those who claim to belong to Christ. Jesus gave this authority to the church in Matthew 16, 18, and 28, and Paul explains it even further in 1 Corinthians 5.

If anyone wants to enter into the covenant that expresses the commitment FBC Wycombe members make to each other, they need to go through the following process:

  1. Take the "Intro Class," a three-hour introduction to the history, beliefs, and structure of FBC Wycombe
  2. Talk with the FBC Wycombe elders to give one's experience of conversion and agreement with the doctrinal stance of the church
  3. Be affirmed by the congregation at a meeting of the body
  4. Be received by the congregation at the conclusion of a regular worship service

 If you are interested in more information about joining FBC Wycombe and what that entails, please contact the church office.